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Portsmouth Central Masjid Reopen



Respected brothers and elders Alhamdulillah with the mercy of Allah SWT we are able to open Portsmouth Central Masjid to all Musallians for Jama’ah prayers from Saturday 4th July 2020. 

As you are aware that we must follow strict government guidelines to keep the Masjid open. With the consultation of Portsmouth City Council (COVID) health and safety officer we must follow the conditions set out below: 


  1. Please stand in a row as marked on the floor during individual or congregational prayers in the Masjid ( whilst maintaining 2 metres distance rule) 
  2. Please bring in your own prayer mat to pray in the Masjid and take it back with you to minimise the risk of spreading the virus. 
  3. Please bring a plastic bag with you to keep your shoes in and place it beside where you pray.
  4. Please use hand sanitizers when entering and leaving the Masjid.
  5. Please use the 2metres social distancing rule at all times. For instance, entering and leaving the Masjid.
  6. Please keep tissues in your pockets at all times. In the event of sudden sneeze use your tissue. Bin it and immediately wash your hand.
  7. Please perform wudu or use the toilet before coming to the Masjid.
  8. Please use a face mask when you come to the Masjid.
  9. If you use the toilet or ablution facilities due to an emergency please ensure it is clean before and after use. 
  10. Please ensure and abide by the 2metres rules at all times, especially when queuing to enter or to leave the Masjid. 


  1. Please do not shake or hug one another inside or outside the Masjid.
  2. Please do not use the toilet or ablution facilities unless it is an emergency.
  3. Please do not use the Masjid’s books, Quran, Tasbih etc. Instead, bring your own and take it back with you. 
  4. During Friday prayer, after the 1st Jama’ah please do not start the sunnah at the Masjid. Leave to allow time to start the 2nd Jama’ah
  5. If you are in the following categories please do not come to the Masjid;
    1. 70 years old or over irrespective of medical conditions.
    2. Suffers any health conditions. 
    3. If you have a fever, symptoms of flu, cough or loss of smell. Should this occur please call NHS 111.
    4. Those who would not be able to follow social distancing rules ie children under the age of 12. 

Please cooperate at the entrance during the registration of name, address, and phone numbers. 

Masjid can provide disposable prayer mat, face mask, and a plastic bag for your shoes. For these, a small donation will be highly appreciated. 

There will be 2x Friday Jama’ah 

  1. 1st Jama’ah 1:30 pm 
  2. 2nd Jama’ah 2:00 pm 

We are limited on numbers, therefore, it will be on a first come first serve. We can only accommodate around 140 people for each Jama’ah. 

May Allah SWT protect all of us In Sha Allah Jazakallah Khairan for your cooperation. It is highly appreciated.